It’s time to bring back our Little Ceasars Pizza Kit Fundraiser!š Last year we sold 108 kits as a club and this year we have raised our goal to150 kits. Personally, I REALLY enjoyed having the personal pizza’s on hand for busy nights. š¤© Keep in mind,Ā for every kit sold, $1.50 will be alloted to your family accounts.Ā This is a great way to rais money for the club AND to raise money for your swimmers.
I have attached 2 images to help you all promote sales on your social media or via e-mail. Collecting orders is very simple. Customers order individually by visitingĀ PizzaKit.caĀ and using our Channel Cats ID# (453844) to order OR swimmers can compile their customer orders and submit them all together using the same method (PizzaKit.ca, ID#453844).
Orders are due on February 9thĀ and delivery to swimmers/families will take place at the Orillia Rec Centre on the evening of Wednesday, February 26th.
Happy selling everyone. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.